
Monday, May 13, 2013

Surviving The Exam Session

Sometimes, I just feel that I don't want to be in school anymore. But here I am, in the middle of my May-June exam session. I will not give up, after more than 10 years of catching knowledge. However at times, I tend to be filled with stress and do avoid big time revision. Recently, the two matter mentioned are my identities. 

Once in a while, you do need to let your self have time to escape from everything that is school related. Some people go to parties (and get drunk), or go to the park with your friends inhaling the fresh air, or just enjoying their 'social life' in Facebook, Twitter, etc. , or some even shop to relax them self. 

Yesterday, I did do some past papers, then I got too bored. So, I went and try something new: explore my art talent. Stating the obvious, the meaning behind the painting is that sometimes, you just want to close your eyes, and imagine. 

Imagine: The things you've been through in the past, maybe even problems that have been solved. The problems wouldn't have been solved if you didn't get through them.
Imagine: The things that you want to do after you've got through with whatever you are going through. 

Simply put, I hope that everyone will have a wonderful week, and enjoy the beautiful weather! Do not give up! And GOOD LUCK to the ones who are also sitting for the CIE or any other exams!

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