
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Escaping The City

Hello Everyone!

Last two weeks, I had a chance to leave the city and went somewhere a little more peaceful and quiet. It was only four hours away by car; a place in between the mountains. The scenery was majestic. A little town called Sibiu, west of Romania.

If any of you watch OUAT (Once Upon A Time), then you will understand my excitement in the next sentence. I think I have found a town just like Storybrooke! Here is the proof of the clock tower. Captain Hook, where are thou?

A night walk in town was a lovely experience. City lights made the town look glowing. It felt like i was in fairy tale, so surreal. Cold wind blew the city like hidden whispers crossing the souls of the pedestrians. The moon appeared flamboyantly and true to itself in the dark. The city burned bright under day light, just like a painting. A city so quiet, I would definitely visit again.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Don't go away

 Hello  everyone!

I really don't want autumn to go away. Don't get me wrong, I love snow. It's just that snow gets dirty easily, and when you get out of the house, and try to realize the pavement turned muddy in grey and brown... I really appreciate the fact that it is 'autumn-ish' here. Leaves are still falling, pavements are still clean, and no need to scrape the car.

I just finished the first IB semester! and OH MY- procrastination is killing me! I started the year being in the school's soccer team... -.- So, getting home at 6pm 3 days in a week, isn't the best thing for me; especially transitioning from a British system school to an American school. I am in the Yearbook club, which I thought is pretty cool; I love designing, giving ideas, and work with the programs. 

Today is the last day of school and it ended by a play called 'Cinderella' acted by the teachers. In the play, they tried to tell us things about how IB students should react to things. It was hilarious, watching our teachers approached us in a very unique way.

When the gathering ended, we said our good-byes, and wishes. :( I really need to get some rest, and make peace with my sleeping schedule before school starts again... 

All and all, I wish everyone the best and Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

R.U.D.E and up in the clouds

Sometimes in life... you just wonder how people get extremely rude. People turn against you in every possible way. There are times when you need support from one, but they just stare at you blankly. You just need that someone to stand up for you, but they did not. I know for a fact that we all have our own problems. However, you don't want things to get out of control... just because you're ill-mannered. 

Others have feelings and their own problems too. I suggest that treating them fairly and with respect can solve all the problems. But, being harsh and rude and unsympathetic isn't the right solution. People can change their thoughts about you in a split second and plant that memory in their hearts. It isn't easy to erase them too. 

Society. Many people there fly high, up in the sky with the fluffy cotton that we call clouds. Everything comes easily out of their pockets. Some of these people forget about the others living way down below them. How could they...

All in all, a SMILE is always the best way to hide everything... even your feelings. Though, things can get complicated and if it does, it's okay to turn around and cry. There is always someone that cares. That someone is a true friend, whether or not you realise it.  Furthermore, some said that crying can heal us psychologically. ;)

*I did not mean to offend anyone. These are just my thoughts that needs to be expressed. Sorry.*

Bye bye!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Swimming with Sharks

Hey hey hey! Guess I'm back to writing!

 From the Jetty, we hopped in a speed boat and cut through the waves of the sea. It was terrifying at first, because of the huge waves that we had to go through and also the fact that we went against the current and that made our journey bumpy. However after a while we got use to it. 


We arrived to 'Pulau Perhentian' (Perhentian Island) and felt that we were in a different world. I do not know how to describe the fantastic scenery that I had to deal with. I was overwhelmed. The water was crystal clear, the sky was clear as well, and trees were wild. It is a place where you can breath in the view, see wild monkeys, and squirrels. (I rarely see them)

It seems that nature rules the place. There were no cars nor any other road transportation. The only transportation you can find there are the taxi boats. Its a perfect place to re-connect with nature.

As soon as we see the water, we obviously dive in with our snorkeling gears. There were many types of fishes; but I did not have a water proof camera with me, so i didn't have the chance to take any pictures. =(

We went to 4 different snorkeling spots around the island with a speed boat. We went to 'Teluk Pauh', 'Shark Point', 'Tanjung Basi' and another spot which I forgot the name. I saw turtles just rolling in the deep almost my size, black tip sharks in different sizes, beautiful underwater cities (coral reefs) and colorful fishes. (I saw Nemo as well swimming with his cousins)

The 1st shark I saw was near the beach. I was just snorkeling and BAM! The adrenaline I get was different. A metre long black tip shark appeared to be relaxing on the same area as I was. It was just swimming 2m from me, minding its own business. They are magnificent creatures. 

We saw the black tip shark

In the shark point site, we went shark hunting. Unfortunetly, we couldn't find any sharks.(pretty scary)

I feel really lucky to have the chance to experienced swimming with sharks, and be very close to a huge sea turtle. I had an amazing time.

If you enjoy snorkeling, diving, going to the beach, getting tan, I highly recommend you Pulau Perhentian. It is an island that you see in most brochures that are photoshop and edited, but trust me, this is A REAL ONE.  It is worth it to visit this island.

 Hope you had an amazing summer vacation!

¡Chao, Hasta pronto!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sorry cuz' I am Lazy

Aloha readers!

I pretended that I don't have time to write my thoughts and stories in here. However, its not working very well. Its been weeks that I have thought about writing. 

I am having such an amazing time after that horrible weeks of exams. Now, I feel free like a bird, flying here and there (literally) to many interesting places; but now I'll update you about my latest adventure in my home country. [I will write more about my travels in Macedonia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania and Montenegro]
I welcome you and myself to my homeland =)

I am currently in a beautiful country in the South East Asia, having to fulfill the list of foods to eat, things to buy, and people to meet. I havent been in this country for so long [3 years to be more exact]. I miss everything.

Outside my window, I have my angles on coconut trees, houses made of fine woods, sheep grazing the land and the clear baby blue sky.  I miss the smell of the area, the smell of nature, and..... coconuts. 
Some coconut trees outside my Grandparent's house.

Next week I'll be traveling to an island, where most probably, I'll be relaxing near the beach where the sand is white and powdery. Other than that, another news is that I'll be snorkeling and except the breath taking scenery of the under water world- the coral reefs. I'll be swimming with the sharks and turtles. [The sharks there are harmless] :)))


Not to worry, I'll be writing about that as well in the near future. No te preocupe. ;)
Stay tuned to read more about my adventures with the sharks and turtles. (and more photos will be posted)

Chilling in the plane while drinking a cup of mint tea

¡Chao, Hasta pronto!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

25 Facts About Someone

This is a classic topic for most bloggers (at least the ones that i follow). So, not to waste time this post will highlight to you the 25 facts about me.

1) I do not like most veggies, but I love fruits.

2) I am done with my exams for the 2012-2013 academic year. 

3) I am scared of most animals, but I live with a chinchilla, named Einstein. Not only that, but I had a hamster named August when I was 9. He had beautiful golden fur, and was loyal. I was devastated when he left me. I also used to have a hedgehog. =)

4) I changed schools for more than 12 times in my life;  friends step in and out from my life. =(

5) I will be leaving the school i'm currently in right now. 

6) My favorite color is aquamarine, or you can say, blue in general. 

7) I can be a very shy person- depending on my first impression.

8) I love to spend my free time watching TV series, movies, hang out with my friends and shop. 

9) Most of the things in my wardrobe are blue. (obviously, different tones)

10) I am a fan of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, the Hunger Games and ....Narnia. These most of the time this fact explains my drastic change in behavior. 

11) I have never ever watched titanic fully. (if the last 10 minutes count, then, okay, I have watched the super loooong romantic movie)

11) I love to eat ice cream. 

12) My favorite subject in school is surprisingly Information Computer Technology.

13) I love 'photography'. I love taking close-ups/ landscapes of of just about everything: birds, butterflies, sea shells, leafs,etc. These are some examples. (these are not edited) 

14) I love to sing, especially when I'm with a couple of friends that like to sing as well. 

15) I love the beach; especially the ones near the coral reefs. I love to go snorkeling. 

16) I am the oldest among my siblings.

17) I like summer, but not the 'summer heat'. Another similar fact: I love autumn.

18) I am a flutist, and I also like to play the piano.

19) I used to want to be a police woman. =)

20) I love to paint. (free style, i do not know any technique, and not a professional)

21) My favorite eye shadow palette is the 'Naked' palette, from Urban Decay.

22) I miss Disney World.

23) I am Directioner- please do not hate me. =D

24) I love watching people dance the 'Irish Dance'. Lord of the Dance is one of my favorite shows.

25) I love to ride roller coasters, even though I get terrified when I am on it. 

There you have the '25 fact about me' post. Hope you like this personal post. I cannot wait for the summer vacation and go back to my lovely country. haha stay in touch for my next post! 

ps: (extra fact) I used to be a very bad pianist/ backup singer in a band of 5 called the 'Diamond Weapons'.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Music and The Ending

It is almost the end of my school year. I cannot wait for the time to come, but at the same time the memories just keep playing in my head. I will totally miss this school!

Now, other than you reading about me whining, I would like to share my favorite songs at the moment. I'm really lovin Demi Lovato's new album! These are the songs that I've been listening to lately and they make my day better. Hope they will do the same for you ! Enjoy!

Something That We're Not- Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato's new album is 'better than the best'! There are more songs that I listen to, but this is one of the songs that stands out. I do think, she should receive more views for this one. She did an incredible job. This song describes real life situation. :) 

Really Don't Care- Demi Lovato ft Cher Lloyd

Everyone should have the chance to listen to this song! It is a fantastic song. Demi and Cher in one song?! (two of my favorites artists)

Here's To Never Growing Up- Avril Lavigne

This song, just reminds me of my friends and I; all the things we've been through and all the crazy and doltish things we did. We do act like babies sometimes, at least I know I do. 

Tonight I'm Getting Over You- Carly Rae Jepsen

I love the rhythm and melody of this song. Love at first sight for this song. 

Chloe- Emblem 3

This masterpiece of Emblem 3 just came out recently. It has a funky beat to it. Do listen to this one. This song is great to listen to in the summer.

Warrior- Paradise Fears

This makes me feel stronger, I am not sure for what specific reason. I guess the whole song.... The meaning of this song is great.

Mirrors- Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake did it again. I cannot stop listening to this song for weeks!

Nothing Without Love- Max Schneider

'Nothing Without Love' came out on the 21st of May. The first beat is just enjoyable. You will want to keep listening to it and you'll be stuck with it within seconds. 

There they are. Love you all! Stay tuned for more posts!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Surviving The Exam Session

Sometimes, I just feel that I don't want to be in school anymore. But here I am, in the middle of my May-June exam session. I will not give up, after more than 10 years of catching knowledge. However at times, I tend to be filled with stress and do avoid big time revision. Recently, the two matter mentioned are my identities. 

Once in a while, you do need to let your self have time to escape from everything that is school related. Some people go to parties (and get drunk), or go to the park with your friends inhaling the fresh air, or just enjoying their 'social life' in Facebook, Twitter, etc. , or some even shop to relax them self. 

Yesterday, I did do some past papers, then I got too bored. So, I went and try something new: explore my art talent. Stating the obvious, the meaning behind the painting is that sometimes, you just want to close your eyes, and imagine. 

Imagine: The things you've been through in the past, maybe even problems that have been solved. The problems wouldn't have been solved if you didn't get through them.
Imagine: The things that you want to do after you've got through with whatever you are going through. 

Simply put, I hope that everyone will have a wonderful week, and enjoy the beautiful weather! Do not give up! And GOOD LUCK to the ones who are also sitting for the CIE or any other exams!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oh hello Spring!

Spring has hit the country everybody! 
Spring is a season, where everyone starts to enjoy their breezy colorful day outside. It can be in the mall, in the park, near the lake, or even... at the beach in some countries. 
Unfortunetly for me, I can't do most of that. 

I live in a country where aggressive street dogs are everywhere. 
(it's true, and I have cynophobia- fear of dogs)
Though I sometimes set my self brave to go out, (reviewing the extreme possibilities) obviously...I will not look like a person in a normal state.
I can't stay tranquil after hearing many stories about the dogs. People have stressed out this problem; however the government seems to not be doing anything. 

Nevertheless, I cannot just stay hiding inside and do all kinds of indoor activities. When I saw the blooming trees outside yesterday, I thought maybe I could actually enjoy some outdoor time.........on the roof, still in my house. :)

 My sister's bag...again. 
 The sunglasses are from MANGO. And a reflection myself.
The pair of shoes were purchased from New Look. 
The splendid view from where I was sitting.

The view was lovely. I have loved the colors of spring; the blue and green combination. Now this is the end of this post, and it also leads us to the fact that I have to go and do extreme revision. The May/June session for CIE starts in 3 weeks and 4 days! Nevertheless, thank you for stopping by! Hope you had a marvelous start of the spring season! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Snow in March

The view from my room
Snowing in March!? This was not expected... Well anyways, since its extremely cold here in this part of the world; lets just look at photos. I have showed you where i place most my accessories; and  I decided to put aside my favorites (for mix events)

Jealous of my sister's bag, so she allowed me to use it for this photo-shoot
In love with the combination: H&M
From my meet-up with my BFF, Shannon in Alexanderplatz. 

I love to eat.

I was too lazy to write many paragraphs, plus everyone love to look at photos. I have my IGCSE in a month- A lot to study.... So, this is all I have. Thank you for stopping by! Best Wishes everyone!

PS. I want the spring season now.. :'( "Come on Spring, dont be afraid to show yourself!"

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fluffy Stich Onesie

As I have said in my last post, Manlei's gift was interesting. So,  Manlei was in Canterbury last week, in the UK. She went there to apply for her future school. 

While she was there, she sent me a picture of my gift. She also did not want to tell me what it was. So, curiosity tried to kill me. Until she came back, and gave it to me in the mall. Well, I was shock of how heavy it was. It was a Onesie; and not just any onesie. BUT, A SUPER DUPER FLUFFY STICH ONESIE. It also comes with it's paws! (from Disney Channel: Lilo & Stich)

You have no idea how comfortable this is. <3 This onseie is so soft!

I know I might just embarrassed myself in these photos. But, you know as we all say it: YOLO- just joking. Well, I just had to show you this cute onesie. That's all. xoxo.

Sorry for the quality of the photos; didnt have time to adjust the settings, since I was too exited about it.

Thank You So Much Manlei! Love you!

Ps. That last photo looked like I was eaten by Stich.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Who let the girls out?

The title is exaggerating; but anyway, our parents did. 

3 days ago, I went to the mall and walk out with ONLY 2 shopping bags.......... and my friends (Manlei, Maria, and Beatrix.). We walked until we broke our knees-yikes. I bought some 'stuff' (Blouses) from H&M, and New Look. We also went to fill our tummy with: McDonalds, Ice creams, and Milk Shakes. (except Maria had her yummy dessert from Cinnabon)

 Anyways, I had a wonderful time. Thanks to my lovely, bubbly, totally amazing friends!  Also, Thank You to everyone for the birthday presents! Love them! xoxo

Ps. You have no idea what Manlei brought me for my birthday- I'll announced it in my upcoming post! Stay tuned!

