
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Bella Italia

Hello Everyone!
How's it going?

Adventure in Rome
NO excuses this time. So, here it first post about my Italy trip. There will be two posts about the trip. 
When in Rome, you always need to have a photo with a Vespa

On my last vacation, my family and I decided to travel to Italy. It was a road trip. The scenery was breath-taking! I've visited Rome before with a group called Comenius, so this time I had the chance to be the family's 'tour guide'. 

The famous Trevi Fountain
The Colosseum
We went around the ancient city of Rome, sight seeing. We visited the Colosseum, Fontana de Trevi, the Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, and many other historical places.  

After Rome, we drove up north to Florence. It is an amazing place. We spent our time in the center, where the leather market is (Mercato Nuovo). From there we went to the II Duomo-Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. The buildings are part of the UNESCO world heritage.The exterior of the cathedral is made from marble. 

On the way to the Mercato Nuovo

We pass by the Florence church Piazza della Signoria and Pallazo Veccio which is one of Florence's most important square. Then, we walked further to the Ponte Veccio, at that time, the reflection of the buildings on the water were sharped and cleared.

Beautiful Reflection in Ponte Veccio
On the last day, we decided to go to Villa Medicea La Petraia, one of the most famous Medici Villas, where it is located in the outskirts of Florence. 
Though the entrance maze of the Villa Medicea La Petraia
 Stay tuned for the second part of Bella Italia!



Santa Maria del Fiore
The Mercato Nuovo

The Mercato Nuovo

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Escaping The City

Hello Everyone!

Last two weeks, I had a chance to leave the city and went somewhere a little more peaceful and quiet. It was only four hours away by car; a place in between the mountains. The scenery was majestic. A little town called Sibiu, west of Romania.

If any of you watch OUAT (Once Upon A Time), then you will understand my excitement in the next sentence. I think I have found a town just like Storybrooke! Here is the proof of the clock tower. Captain Hook, where are thou?

A night walk in town was a lovely experience. City lights made the town look glowing. It felt like i was in fairy tale, so surreal. Cold wind blew the city like hidden whispers crossing the souls of the pedestrians. The moon appeared flamboyantly and true to itself in the dark. The city burned bright under day light, just like a painting. A city so quiet, I would definitely visit again.

